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Friday, June 12, 2015

Nothing but Nets.net

Saving Lives

Saving Lives

Every 60 seconds a child dies from malaria. In sub-Saharan Africa, families worry that their children will get bitten by a disease-carrying mosquito, but one $10 bed net can mean the difference between life and death. With your help, Nothing But Nets is working to distribute nets where they are needed most.

Advocate for Nets

Nothing But Nets has created the largest global grassroots movement to fight malaria, and we need your support! The greatest threat to continued success in this fight is financial—we are still facing a critical gap in funding for malaria, and we need more individuals like you to take action.
Steph CurryThe U.S. Government is the largest contributor to programs that combat malaria through its support for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the President’s Malaria Initiative, as well as the work of UN agencies like the World Health Organization, UNICEF and UNHCR. Our government is a leader in malaria prevention in part because of the efforts of citizens like you who care enough to raise their voices on this important issue.
Your voice is critical in this fight. You have the power to make a huge impact by encouraging your members of Congress to continue funding efforts that improve malaria prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and research and development, and to keep building on the amazing progress that has already been made.

NBA player Stephen Curry is the kind of Nothing But Nets Champion who inspires us all to do more. The Golden State Warrior has supported the campaign since his days at Davidson College. Stephen is so dedicated to protecting families from malaria that he has pledged to send three life-saving bed nets for every three-point shot he makes during the ’12-’13 season.
Curry just broke the record of three-pointers for a single season - a record previously held by Ray Allen! With 272 shots made, he'll send 816 bed nets and 816 families will be able to fully protect their children from malaria because of his amazing talent and big heart. 
But the good won’t stop there: you can help keep families safe from malaria too! Stephen is challenging his fans to join him in helping to end preventable deaths from this deadly disease by donating just $10 to send a life-saving bed net. 
Steph Curry is committed to the fight against malaria. Will you join him? Send a net and save a life today!

Donate To Nothing But Nets

Send a net. Save a life.Every 60 seconds, a child dies from malaria — which is easily prevented through the use of an insecticide-treated net.
A net costs just $10 to purchase, deliver, and educate the recipient on its proper use. Bed nets are a simple, life-saving solution, but we need your help to provide them to those in need. Join us today.
Send a net. Save a life. Together we can cover a continent.

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