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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Neymar and Co lift young South African pitch invader up in heartwarming scenes - www.dailymail.co.uk

After watching Brazil dismantle his team in Soweto, one young South Africa supporter felt the need to get up close to the visiting players.

But rather than tackle the interloper to the ground, the South American superstars had other ideas.
The young boy posed for pictures with world-renowned Barcelona forward Neymar before being hoisted up by the Brazilians in a heartwarming display. 

The South African boy is the picture of pride as David Luiz, Neymar, Dani Alves and Fred joyously lift him above their heads.

The lad may look happy, but the Brazil stars appear to be having a whale of a time as they make the dreams of the young supporter come true. 

Neymar and Co weren't so kind when they faced South Africa on the pitch. 
The poster boy of the summer's World Cup netted a hat-trick for the tournament's hosts as Chelsea playmaker Oscar and Fernandinho, of Manchester City, completed the rout.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pride of Africa: Kenya celebrates Nyong’o’s Oscar - Washingtonpost.com

NAIROBI, Kenya — “You are the pride of Africa,” Kenya’s president exclaimed on Twitter as he celebrated Kenya’s first major Oscar win by actress Lupita Nyong’o.
Nyong’o was the topic of the day on Kenya’s radio and TV stations Monday, the day after her Oscar win for Best Supporting Actress in the movie “12 Years A Slave.”

At a conference at the United Nations headquarters in Nairobi, more than 300 people broke out into applause after Wanjira Maathai — the daughter of the late Kenyan Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai — mentioned her mother and Nyong’o in the same sentence.
“We all had hoped of course that she would win. Everybody feels a sudden attachment to her, she’s a Kenyan woman,” Maathai said in an interview later. “A lot of her work, a lot of her experience in film started in Kenya.”
Nyong’o, 31, was born in Mexico to Kenyan parents but was mostly raised in Kenya. A graduate of the Yale School of Drama, Nyong’o had starred in several productions in Kenya before landing her breakout role alongside Brad Pitt.
Nyong’o had been considered a front-runner in a category that included Jennifer Lawrence and Julia Roberts. When her name was called Sunday, she bent over in her seat as the audience erupted.
Just before her win, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta issued a statement saying Nyong’o’s accomplishments testify to her talent and the determination to go the extra mile that success demands.
At the end of her Oscar speech, Nyong’o asked that her win remind “every little child that no matter where you’re from your dreams are valid.”
Maathai spoke Monday, which is Wangari Maathai Day in Africa, to honor the Nobel prize winner’s dedication to the environment. She said that like her mother, Nyong’o is another Kenyan who has reached great heights.
“She (Nyong’o) attributes to her success to a lot of other black actresses who made her believe she could be something and that she could make it in film,” Maathai said. “And I think it’s so important to have role models, so important to have people who you can say, ‘Ah, if she made it, maybe I can too.’”

While celebrating the win, Kenyan film critic Ogova Ondego criticized Kenya for not supporting the arts. Nyong’o, whose father is a Kenyan senator, did not get any support from the government while developing her talent, Ondego said.
Kenyatta in Sunday’s statement said the government has made the promotion of arts a key pledge that must be delivered. He said many young Kenyans will have access to funding for artistic projects.
“It is our intention that Lupita becomes the first of an endless line of Oscar nominees and winners from Africa and Kenya,” he said.
David Opondoe, the managing director of Phoenix Players, a Kenya-based theater company where Nyong’o performed earlier in her career, said Nyongo’s success will encourage many in in Kenya to embrace the arts.
“It shows that there is so much talent, only that the opportunities are not there,” he said. “It’s time for parents and government to see that this is not a pastime. It’s something you can do professionally and bring glory.”
More than 1,000 people have auditioned at the Phoenix Players this year, he said, whereas before they had to actively hunt actors for parts. Opondoe said he first saw Nyongo on stage in the play “There Goes The Bride” in 2002, which he also starred in.
“At that time she was viewed as an amateur and she gave us, some of the professionals, a run for our money. She had her lines and was on point and I knew this person is passionate about acting,” he said.
“We are going to celebrate this for a very long time,” Opondoe said.
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