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Monday, December 10, 2012

27 Lessons from 27 Years by Josh Linkner

Dan Gilbert is a busy guy.  He's the founder and chairman of Quicken Loans, the largest online mortgage company in the world.  He's the majority owner of the Cleveland Cavilers, owner of two casinos in Ohio, and primary investor in over 60 other companies.  He is leading a massive charge to revitalize Detroit, and has purchased millions of square feet of office space in my hometown.  He's a deeply committed philanthropist, who has pledged to give away half his wealth to charity (along with Bill Gates and Warren Buffet).  He's an incredible leader, entrepreneur, humanitarian, and even part-time radio host.  He's also my long-time business partner, mentor, and friend.

Dan recently shared the "27 things I've learned in 27 years of business." As an inspiration to so many, I wanted to share his powerful lessons with you.  Enjoy!

27: Don't get distracted by people who want you to review the receipts for the paintbrushes. Your job is to paint.

26: Building anything great is messy.

25: The one who tells you there is food on your face is your friend.

24: The price of knowing is often way too high.

23: Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. (Thanks Albert E.!)

22: Spreadsheets are for measuring the past, not the future. Remember, 57.392% of statistics are made up on the spot.

21: The more you give, the more you get. It's as simple as that.

20Winning on the hard stuff does not make the easy stuff easy.

19: It's not so frickin' funny when it's you, is it?

18: There is no better joy than helping people around you go to levels higher than they ever thought they could.

17: Working longer hours does not automatically make you more successful. Working smarter does.

16: People who are constantly negative, pessimistic and cynical are not spewing their venom towards you or your ideas. They are talking about themselves. Never forget that.

15: The little things DO matter. Especially to people.

14Think big, huge, large, enormous, immense, jumbo, walloping, gigantic, king sized, mammoth, massive, thundering. You have to think anyway... so why not?

13: Try to please everyone all of the time, and you will end up pleasing no one most of the time.

12Be curious.

11: Any ounce of energy you spend regretting mistakes you made in the past is taking away energy you need from doing things right in the present.

10: Nothing great and long-lasting is built overnight, but you MUST take the first step NOW.

9Appreciate everything.

8Light yourself on "fire," and many people will join your mission.

7: I never learned anything talking.

6Thinking (going deep) about problems, challenges, new ways of doing things and creativity is one of THE hardest things you will ever do. It also will bring you the finest results.

5: There is always a way to turn a problem into an opportunity. Find it.

4: Some people WILL NEVER get it. Get them out of your team, club, house, life, etc... and both of you will be happier.

3: If you believe tomorrow will be even more exciting than today, then you have discovered what passion really means.

2: Nothing clarifies like clarity.

1: When you love what you do, there is no such thing as "work."

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We remember...

Today, September 11, marks the 11 year anniversary of the tragic terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.  Below is the Presidential Proclamation made by President Barack Obama declaring September 11 to be Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance.  Please take a moment today to read this proclamation and to remember those affected by this tragedy.

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the American people demonstrated that in times of hardship, the values that define us do not simply endure -- they are stronger than ever.  As a Nation, we responded to unthinkable tragedy with an outpouring of service and goodwill.  On that dark day, first responders rushed into a burning Pentagon and climbed the stairs of smoking towers on the verge of collapse, while citizens risked their own health and safety to prevent further heartbreak and destruction.  As Americans, we came together to help our country recover and rebuild.
Today, we pay tribute to the selfless heroes and innocent victims of September 11, 2001, and we reaffirm the spirit of patriotism, service, and unity that we felt in the days and months that followed.  By volunteering our time and unique skills, we can enrich communities across our country, and together, we can strengthen our Nation to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

In the days to come, I ask all Americans to join together in serving their communities and neighborhoods in honor of the victims of the September 11 attacks.  Today and throughout the year, scores of Americans answer the call to make service a way of life -- from helping the homeless to teaching underserved students to bringing relief to disaster zones.  I encourage all Americans to visit Serve.gov, or Servir.gov for Spanish speakers, to learn more about service opportunities across our country.

As we join in serving causes greater than ourselves and honoring those we lost, we are reminded of the ways that the victims of 9/11 live on -- in the people they loved, the lives they touched, and the courageous acts they inspired.  On Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance, we pledge to carry on their legacy of courage and compassion, and to move forward together as one people.

By a joint resolution approved December 18, 2001 (Public Law 107-89), the Congress has designated September 11 of each year as "Patriot Day," and by Public Law 111-13, approved April 21, 2009, the Congress has requested the observance of September 11 as an annually recognized "National Day of Service and Remembrance."

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim September 11, 2011, as Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance.  I call upon all departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States to display the flag of the United States at half-staff on Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance in honor of the individuals who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.  I invite the Governors of the United States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and interested organizations and individuals to join in this observance.  I call upon the people of the United States to participate in community service in honor of those our Nation lost, to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities, including remembrance services, and to observe a moment of silence beginning at 8:46 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time to honor the innocent victims who perished as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-sixth.


Friday, August 31, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012 - Completion

If the Mayans are right, we have about eleven months and seven days before the bottom drops out of everything and all H - E- double hockey sticks breaks loose. I personally (because of my faith) don't subscribe to that but hey.....if you do who am I to say that you're wrong. I do believe that 2012 is going to usher in some unprecedented change the world over. A "changing of the guard" so to speak. Which to me would most definitely represent the Optimum Condition. I also study Biblical Numerology. With that being said, I have unearthed some information that I figured I would share. Those of you that know me know that i just love to share whatever I have whenever I can......

The Bible numerology code for the number 12

Bible numerology is concerned with the study of numbers mentioned in the Holy Book of Christianity- the Bible. These numbers are present in a definite pattern and are attributed with different religious incidents taking place in the Bible. In the number of stories of Old testaments and new testaments, numbers play a vital role and thus it is necessary to study their hidden meanings to reveal the secrets of Bible and to understand the scripture properly. Biblical numerology is now taken as a specialized field of biblical studies and there are many people who keep a keen interest in knowing about the Holy Scripture. In the following piece of writing, we will know about the significance of bible number 12 and its numeric representation in the Book.

Bible numerology number 12 signifies what is finished or completed forming a harmonious, perfect entity. It symbolizes completion or plentitude of a thing and expression of the Trinity to the four bends of the Horizon, that is, 3 x 4. Bible number 12 represents the good and the command and also rules the time and space. This is the reason why bible number 12 is also regarded as the cosmic number which also attributes to the cosmos or the administration of the world. It is the symbol of spiritual and material food as there were 12 breads which were last broken by Jesus Christ in His last supper and he himself was the “Bread of Life”. Twelve is the product of two numbers- three and four- that stands for heavenly number and earthly number respectively. Since it is the multiple of these two numbers, it represents multiplication and perfection of the administration.
You will find a number of references attributing to the meaning of bible number 12. According to New testaments, there were 12 apostles of the Christ who are named as Peter, James and John, Thomas, Andrew, Philip, Matthew, Bartholomew, James, son of Alphaeus, Zealot, Judas Iscariot and Jud, son of James. In the Bible, there was a woman who was relieved by Jesus Christ from her 12 years long curse of hemorrhage. In Old testaments, in the celestial city, there were twelve gates and twelve types of precious stones. A woman wore a crown with twelve stars in it and also there was a tree of life that bears twelve crops of fruits, one fruit in one month in a year. There were twelve sons of Ishmael and twelve priests of the Chronicles. There were twelve stones of the altar of Elijah and of the alliance. On the pectoral, you will find twelve names engraved. On the golden table, there were twelve loaves of enduring offerings. For confining the choice of Aaron, there was the total of twelve branches. The number of explorers sent to Canaan is also twelve.
In the Holy Scripture, there were twelve animals which were scarified and also there were twelve springs of the Elim. For the dedication of Altar, there were twelve silver bowls that were offered in the series of three. Moses proclaimed twelve curses to all the men of Israel. Also Jacob had twelve sons and in Israel, there were twelve tribes, namely, Judah, Gad, Reuben, Asher, Simeon, Manasseh, Issachar, Levi, Joseph, Benjamin and Zebulun. The cloak of Ahijah was used to make twelve strips and the whole of Israel was governed by twelve administrators of the Solomon. For making a monument, twelve men offered twelve stones in the Jordan. These are some of the instances that are mentioned in the Holy Bible that symbolize the significance of bible number 12 in the religion and how it can help in understanding the scripture in a better way.

(Here's my favorite part right here)

In the last book of Bible, the Revelation, bible number twelve appeared many times. It stated that the kingdom of God had twelve gates that were guarded by the twelve angels. If you are a superstitious person, then you will definitely believe that it is unlucky to wash your hair on day twelve of each month. Also if you saw a dream that contained number 12, then your tough circumstances soon will be resolved. 

There are many other things that are related to number 12 and are believed by the followers of God. By knowing more about the bible numerology number 12 we can have a better understanding about the administration of the universe and how it has brought to perfection by the Almightily. There is lot more to explore in Bible and to have a better understanding of the religion and teachings of Jesus Christ and how this universe came into existence, you should know about the symbolic representation of the numbers and their patterns used in the Holy Bible. Many bible scholars regard this scripture as the treasure of numbers and hidden meanings.